AUROBINDO TATTVA HOMES MUTUALLY AIDED CO-OPERATIVE HOUSING SOCIETY LTD (ATMOS) was Registered in year 2022 with Reg no. TS/SRD/MACS/2022-8/HSG and established under Telangana Mutually Aided Co-operative Societies Act 1995 for the public, private sector employees etc.
This society is formed by like minded people to cater to the housing need of their peers at very reasonable cost. The primary objective of ATMOS is to make such schemes and to carry out such works necessary for the purpose of dealing with and satisfying the need of housing infrastructure/accommodation. ATMOS endeavors to provide housing to the people of Telangana at affordable cost.
ATMOS has a 10 members board and is headed by President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The board has an appointed C.E.O who looks into the day to day administration and recommends the society on technical and non-technical aspects.
ATMOS undertakes layout formation, housing schemes and land development schemes as envisaged in the Act and subject to the control of the Board and the Department of Co-operative Societies, Government of Telangana.

Established In
: 0Total Project
: 6AUROBINDO TATTVA HOMES MUTUALLY AIDED CO-OPERATIVE HOUSING SOCIETY LTD (ATMOS) was Registered in year 2022 with Reg no. TS/SRD/MACS/2022-8/HSG and established under Telangana Mutually Aided Co-operative Societies Act 1995 for the public, private sector employees etc.
This society is formed by like minded people to cater to the housing need of their peers at very reasonable cost. The primary objective of ATMOS is to make such schemes and to carry out such works necessary for the purpose of dealing with and satisfying the need of housing infrastructure/accommodation. ATMOS endeavors to provide housing to the people of Telangana at affordable cost.
ATMOS has a 10 members board and is headed by President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The board has an appointed C.E.O who looks into the day to day administration and recommends the society on technical and non-technical aspects.
ATMOS undertakes layout formation, housing schemes and land development schemes as envisaged in the Act and subject to the control of the Board and the Department of Co-operative Societies, Government of Telangana.
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